Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hey Girls!
Best wishes to Mohita! Enjoy Alaska, and then your new job! It sure sounds exciting!!
Here is yesterday evening, two of our friends came .. it was quite late at the time of the pictaken ;)

She's Eszter, great great friend :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Not too much to write now ..
Bori is still kicking a lot, a lot lot .. specially in the evenings. and sometimes it can be quite hurtful. But I guess it's nothing compare to the actually birth giving. I can still feel she has plenty of room since the different areas of the kicking. But I'm getting big big big.. it starts to feel the last 3 months all right.
It was hot, then it was moderate and now it's hot again .. 30-35C, which is between 90-100F. Staying inside, and running the AC (we only have it in the living room).
Last Wednesday I had a little get-together here: my two best friends, Viki and Gabi came, with their children, and also a third friend, with her 16weeks son. So it was quite a day for the children.
Here are some pics from that day:

This is Viki and me: Viki is 16 weeks pregnant with their third child :D of course we are playing on it, but can you tell that I'm 10 weeks ahead :D ;)

Gabi, Viki and me.

From the left: Zita (Viki's first born daughter, she's 8 months younger than Reka, quite a tall girl, but her mom and her dad are both tall, so go figure..)
Fanny (Gabi's daughter, she's 2y5mos old)
Reka :D
playing with Reka's old swing

Viki and the kids stayed a bit longer, so they had a bath together at the end of the day: Zita, Anna (Viki's second daughter) and Reka... we have a big bathtub :D:D:D

Thursday we went to Lake Balaton for a couple of days. Balint's grandmom has a little house there, it was quite calm and nice and relaxing. Did quite a bit of work on my PhD, which made me frustrated, so now I have to find my motivation again.. I'll not go into details..
I made Reka's hair funny, but sure it was comfy for the lake :D

On the top of the bunk-bed, where Daddy used to sleep when he was little :D

Hard work at the Lake too ;) :D

And tired at the end of the day, also soccer European championship quarterfinals :D

We suppose to go for a vacation on Thursday for a week, but I'm not yet sure if it will really happen. Keep you updated :D

Thursday, June 12, 2008

before Friday

It's definitely June here. Last week was quite hot, this week was a bit calmer but still, no need for sweaters, and next week it'll be the 30C's again, which is around 90F.
We got Reka a pool, bigger than a cheap small one so Balint can fit in, it can filter the water, but it's not a real, big, digged in the ground pool..
we miss the apartman-complex, where they just walked down to the pool every afternoon after work and had a little splash/swim. Now she can enjoy water again..
I'm feeling great, for the first time in my pregnancy I think.. up till mid May I felt big, and my skin felt stretched all the time, and I had some comfort issues.. now it's getting much better, I got used to my bigger belly, it doesn't disturb me that much, I got used to not able to turn sides in the bed, etc etc .. and it shows in other areas.. for example science, I can focus on the research much much better..
I've started to clear up some issues with the DUKE-research that I left end of March, also, I'm working on my phd research, which is going much better than any other time... and one of Balint's students, Csaba, has some great ideas involving a QQQ and some modeling, which would be awesome for my phd, so we might work on that.. of course first I have to be successful in the modeling (protonated glycine) I'm currently doing, cause that's the base for any other project...
Bori is kicking a lot, still moving all around in me, which is so funny.. yesterday I actually felt when she changed positions, I felt that my belly will rip cause she must have sticked her butt out so that she can change her orientation.. and soon enough she started kicking almost opposite up till then (towards my right ribs.. vs. my cervix)
anyway, that's life here, the country is still a shit, but hey, we have only 1.5 months left, and if we stay inside our garden, it's pretty nice :)