Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reka's birthday

03/10/2009: 5 years old.

Various stuff:
playing at home.. long hair...

playground with pacific families, Ava, her german new bff

spring is here :D

last homegame:

home made pizza:


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

new pics

I don't know why this program flips this pic.. anyway, clear view to the front two teeth.

kisses :D lots of them, every day :D

she started to push her butt back so she can kneel, and she's swinging herself .. it's the stage right before the crawling :) she's funny.. I'll make a video when Balint gets back from the conference.. he took my small camera, so I've done these the big canon, and no recorder.

last night

i'll tell this story so i'll have it for future reference..
so it happened that i was working late on my paper, till 1:30am in the absence of my husband, i can do it.. when decided to call it a day, i went to facebook, just to have a quick check last time.. and so it happened that an old friend of mine from high school, his name is Kolos, or Koly for short, he posted a link (it was already 10:30am next day for him).. and not just any link, a link to my favorite, best ever song! Don't stop me now from Queen.. it was just the happiest coincidence of the day and probably of the week .. :D
it has to be told that this is my theme song (after Ally McBeal).. it was for so many years, i don't know, probably 10 years now, cause I remember when we were dating with Balint and in the beginning, he was asking me what is my favorite song, I strictly remember answering him this song...
it has some effect on me, and probably on many other people.. that you just want to stand up and do what is needed to be done, right? it's the best motivation song..
of course.. when I got my current cellphone, we've made a ring tone from this song.. and of course while being in labor and lying in the bed in the hospital alone, well, it made me crazy .. but i made it through and the important thing is that everybody is healthy, right? that is the single and most important thing above all!!! hope it stays that way, for everybody...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Andras Bodi and conference

Andras Bodi, or Herr Bodi in German or Bodi Ur in Hungarian .. he is a good friend of us. We were year mates at the university chemistry MS, and Balint was his phd adviser, and he was the very first grad student of Balint's... we know him a long time, also his girlfriend, Nelli, who is is Sweden now for a half a year perhaps, you don't really know when it comes to her :D
anyway, so the guys are gone to a conference, and Herr Bodi was visiting us in advance: arrived on Monday evening, gave a department seminar at UoP on Tuesday and cought the cold from us during the week :D
it was nevertheless fun having him as a guest, cause despite the early years when Reka didn't like him that much, now they have fun together! :D and he plays piano too, so it was a delight to hear my sweet piano being played by someone else for a change.. and he likes coffee too, so it was great to make coffee for someone else but myself..
we didn't go to any big trips, although it was in our plans, but this stupid cold was slowing working its way through the family, so we decided to just stay at home.. but we did a couple of things like walk around campus as the pictures show, did some serious American sport, shopping, we call it :D and invited some friends over and had a great evening on Friday.
we all went through this cold, Reka was the first one last week, this week was Bori and then me and then Balint and then Bodi .. but that's the way life has to go.. and since we didn't have fever unlike Reka did, so I'm grateful, specially it was good for Bori baby, she only had to cope with her runny nose.. but we are almost 100% healthy by now, so I'm happy :D
some pics from the walk on campus..

UoP's signature: the tower

Now the guys are gone to THE best conference there is in gas phase ion chemistry, and yes, i have to admit, I'm a little bit jealous, and sad and witnessing all the poster preparations, and looking over Herr Bodi's great poster, I've realized how much I misses the stimulus and atmosphere of a conference... and realized that I'm so grateful for David to sent me to that ASMS in 2007 with such a little work-history behind me.
so this conference: the Gas Phase Ion conference of the GRC series. it is great: small conference, with everybody staying at the same hotel, and the lectures/discussions/poster session all held at that hotel, so there is literally nothing you can do but think about chemistry :D and the food is provided, so all the participants have breakfast/lunch/dinner together. yes, it is a little costly, but there are chair's funds for phd students, and if you add the hotel, the food and everything together, I'm not even sure it's that expensive after all.. and everybody who is important in gas phase ion chemistry usually there.. with a few exceptions of course.. and here comes the annoying part: it was held in Ventura, CA for so many times, actually all my life, at least I can remember. so there is usually wine at the poster session, which is held during the evening, so the atmosphere is great, and everybody is having a good time, but the hotel changed ownership, and didn't allow the wine in the poster room any more, or so I think it's the reason.. anyway, they couldn't agree, and you all agree how important stimulus wine is for a poster discussion;), so they have moved this conference to Galveston, Texas.. yes, that's right.. instead of driving down south a few hours now they have to fly to TX .. anyway, that's life as i so often say, but still.. there is no better place than Ventura for this conference. (and yes, Galveston, TX.. so last autumn I was staring at CNN and wondering if they'll move GRC to another place all the sudden, but it seems that everything is under control.. and I'll be interested to see how much work they have done to rebuild that city after Ike)
anyway, it's held every two years, so I'm hoping the next one, in 2011, I can make it .. let's hope :D and i'll start working hard for it right now ;) :D
so here I am alone with the two girls for the next 6 days.. it's a change, but I have to get used to it, cause in May Balint will be gone for several weeks to Switzerland and some other places too probably.. but it's OK: I don't have to cook that much, there is no leftover piling up in my fridge, I can work on my paper, and I can go meet with friends and play dates for Reka whenever we want.. there is a very wise wife of a professor we know.. and once we asked her how can she bare that he's away for quite a bit of time to conferences and collaborations, and she said that: it's part of our relationship. well, she's a really wise and great person and I've decided to borrow this idea from her and see it this way... :D
and last, but not least, February is over.. and I can not be happier.. I love March, every single bit of it.. so it'll be a great month, with blooming, sunshine.. although today it's raining, but I don't care, it's March :D:D:D
ok, so that's it for this week,