In the postintensive room, 08/06/08.

In the postintensive room, 08/06/08.

In the postintensive room, 08/06/08.

In the postintensive room, 08/06/08.

Visiting hour, pic was taken through a window. 08/07/2008.

Visiting hour, pic was taken through a window. 08/07/2008.

Visiting hour, pic was taken through a window. 08/07/2008.

The "boat" that she sleeps in during the photo therapy :D 08/07/2008.

almost naked :D has a cover on her eye to protect from the light.. 08/07/2008.

One week has passed: we are still in the hospital, doing quite good!
Bori has gained back her weight, so she weights now as much as when she was born, which is quite good they say.
She's eating every 3 hours, no exception here, there are strict rules in the PIC department (prenatal intensive care), but I can go and feed her every 3 hours.
She still has some yellowish color, jaundice I was told the name of this, she receives photo therapy as well as some medication, so it's getting better.
She received her last dose of antibiotic yesterday, so we are officially off from medication, and I'm hoping her natural (intestinal) flora will develop soon and her digestion and appetite will get better in a couple of days.
So overall we are good and waiting to be released from the hospital, which will probably be on Monday or Tuesday.
and now the story:
I went to the hairdresser last Wednesday morning, I was totally fine and relaxed, and when I finished, I was walking on the street and all the sudden my water broke, that was around 10:30am. I have no idea what could have probably induced this, no indication whatsoever. Anyway, I'm trying not to think about it, cause it doesn't matter now why or what could have I don't to prevent it. I ran into a little shop (another hairdresser in fact), and asked for the bathroom. A couple of minutes later I called a cab, and he took me to my doc to the hospital. He was quite good in avoiding the traffic.
I tried to call my doc, but she wasn't available, left a message that I'm coming, but still, she was surprised to see me. She listened to Bori's heartbeat, she was fine, and she told me that since I'm in week 34 she can not allow me to stay there at that hospital, cause there's a rule in Hungary that any pregnant woman who's under week 36 can only give birth in a hospital which has a prenatal intensive care unit, and her hospital doesn't have one. So I was transfered to another hospital, and they've started the treatment around 1pm:
I got a 24 hours steroid treatment, which induces an enzyme production that helps the start production or function of the lung. Next to this steroid I got a medicine that prevents the contraction of the uterus, which has a side effect of increased heartbeat and shaking hands .. so it was funny how I could not write my name down very nicely :D
anyway, I was off from the steroid at 1pm Thursday, and the preventing medicine was slowly decreased. I was off from all the medication by around 8pm Thursday, and we waited. Nothing happened, and of course they will not do anything other than ER stuff during the night.
Friday morning first they've started to administer the oxitocin, which induced the labor, I got an epidural into my spine, and we waited.. (the epidural was a must, cause it prevented the strong contraction of the muscles and so Bori wasn't hurt that much during the delivery).. the contractions slowly started, but there was no pain. By around 1pm some small pain started, and at 2pm the doctor transfered me to another doctor cause his shift was over, and that doctor soon realized that I still have some caul left, and that was causing the process to be slower .. so he got rid of that, and there we went .. the pain has started, I got some pain killer, and I started to dilate quite fast. I got another dose of pain killer around 4:30pm, but it didn't really .. by the time I was asking is it normal that it didn't help, I had to push, and for the second push Bori was born.
It was quite an easy birth, I was happy and wasn't very exhausted at all.. the doctor played a joke on me and said that I have a beautiful son, of course I shouted at him saying that it's a girl, right? and he said yes, of course I just wanted to check how sober you are.. well, i was totally sober. ;)
They took Bori, cleaned her up and took her to the PIC immediately. So I just took a peak on her when she was out, but that was it. It wasn't a really great feeling I have to add, not to be able to hold her when she was born, or a couple of minutes later, but oh well, that's life, I have to accept it, and just hang in there, right? and we'll be over this quite soon and fly to Balint and can start a whole new life with two beautiful girl, right :D
hopefully the third one will be a "normal" one and we can take that baby home in 2 days.. :)
oke, that's it for now, I'll attach some picture now.
more later.