Sunday, August 3, 2008

Borbála (Bori) Sztáray

Borbála Sztáray was born on Friday at 5:48pm with 2490g. She's 48cm tall.
I'll tell all the details later. She's fine knowing that she was 6 weeks early, still in the incubator, but doesn't need help to breath at all. She's eating small amount now, around 8-10mL. She has to get stronger in the eating before we can leave the intensive unit and then finish her antibiotic treatment before we can leave the hospital.
Balint is crossing the country right now. I have to rebook the tickets tomorrow, so right now I have no idea when we'll be joining him in CA. Hopefully around the 20th or 25th of August the latest.
OK, more later.

1 comment:

Olgi said...

I want to congratulate to the whole family and now wish especially Bori and you all the best!

I'm Olgi, a friend of Zsuzska from Hungary, currently living in Ithaca, NY. :) I just enjoyed reading "contemporary" English here.